Saturday, November 15, 2008

Busy November...

As we all know, life seldom slows down, making it hard to fit in everything we'd like to. And sometimes, things happen that make it even harder...
We have spent the last week at the Hospital ICU with Grandpa Sullivan as he is fighting a very severe case of pneumonia...Thanks so much to all of you who have been so supportive and sent your love and prayers! We are are so blessed to have such a wonderful network of love and support!

Grandpa is hanging in there but he's fighting a battle we're not sure he can win...we'll keep you posted...
The girls have been enjoying the prolonged fall and have been taking pictures at the park. And maybe I'm biased...but I think they sure are pretty! What can I say...I have to post more pictures...!

And Jessi and I whacked our hair off last week!

10 inches for me, 11 for her. A tradition we have every two years or so that we send in to the Locks of Love. Fun!

1 comment:

Mandy and Erick said...

I agree that you truly do have the most beautiful, gorgeous girls evah! How fun that you guys chopped off your hair and gave it to Locks of Love! I'm so sorry to hear about Grandpa Sullivan! We will sure keep him in our prayers! My new email address is We sure miss you guys!

Memory Lane...

